
This document details how to install Caneda on GNU/Linux and Microsoft Windows operating systems.


The installation procedures for the most popular GNU/Linux distributions are provided here:


To obtain the distribution name and release of a particular system, execute lsb_release -da from a system console.

Debian 9 Stretch/Testing

Caneda can be downloaded and installed right from the Debian repository by using the package manager aptitude. For more information, go to Debian Packages.

The following instructions to install Caneda are meant to be executed at the system console. Consider the prefix $ for non-privileged user commands and the prefix # for root commands.

Make sure the system package list is updated by executing:

# aptitude update

Install Caneda (main) and Ngspice (simulation engine) by simply executing:

# aptitude install caneda ngspice


The simulation engine Ngspice is available at the non-free Debian repository. Before trying to install it, edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list as root and make sure the keyword non-free is present in the repository details. For example: deb stretch main non-free.

To open Caneda from the Application Launcher, go to Applications > Development and then click on Caneda.

Alternatively, open Caneda from a terminal emulator by executing caneda &.

Debian 8 Jessie/Stable

Although Caneda is not currently available at the Debian repository for Jessie/Stable, it can be installed from its source code. Please read Debian 8 Jessie/Stable compilation procedure for step-by-step instructions.

Microsoft Windows

Caneda stable release is currently supported in Microsoft Windows systems.

Simply download the Caneda installation executable CanedaInstaller_<latest>.exe and open it to begin the installation process.